Cycle of Presentation of academic works
Presentation of Jungian academic works by members of the Argentine Jungian Analytical Psychology Foundation – FPAJ and the International Society for the Development of Jungian Psychoanalysis – SIDPaJ.
Collaboration project between both associations
October 2020 Once a month, 7 pm-9pm Spanish. Friday.
Attendees: Members of the Jungian Analytical Psychology Foundation and SIDPaJ (Spain).
Encounters by zoom, 2h. Exhibition and debate with attendees. Alternating communications from members of both associations.
"The path of the mestizo: Hermeneutical Dialogue between Rodolfo Kusch and Carl Gustav Jung on the process of construction of Latin American identity"
Lic. Tomas Suarez. Member of FPAJ -
Resultados de traducción "Relations between the body and the psyche in Freud, Jung and Reich"
Dr. Javier Castillo Colomer. SIDPaJ member -
"The importance of mythology as a clinical tool in analytical psychology"
Esp. Luciano J. Torres. Member of FPAJ -
Early experiences of violence. Moral development and attitudes towards peace
Dr. Mikel García García. SIDPaJ member -
“The creative process in literature and plastic arts as a therapeutic process. A bibliographic review study in the Complete Works of C. G. Jung and later authors belonging to Analytical Psychology "
Lic. Francisco Fierro. Member of FPAJ -
“Dark Night of the Soul: Mental Illness and Sense. A Jungian Analysis of the Work of Juan De la Cruz ”.
Dra. Gemma de la Torre Bujones. SIDPaJ member -
"Archetypal images underlying subjects who attend Alcoholics Anonymous in the City of Córdoba"
Lic. Damaris Grubich. Member of FPAJ -
"Descriptive study on the archetypes that underlie Feminist Social Movements in Psychology students at UNC"
Lic. Jazmin Foncea. Member of FPAJ
Lic. Felipe Teruggi. Member of FPAJ -
"The Shadow of the Feminine: An exploratory study of the shadow of archetypal female images present in the tales of Snow White and Sleeping Beauty by the Brothers Grimm and The Sleeping Girl and the Spindle by Neil Gaiman"
Lic. Gabriela Gerardo. Member of FPAJ